Author Naomi Stephens

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Naomi Stephens
Christian Fiction Author
Hello, Reader! I'm so glad you are here!
If we haven't met yet, I'm Naomi. I've been a bookworm for as long as I can remember. I started writing stories when I was about seven-years-old, and I've been writing ever since. My debut novel, Shadow among Sheaves, was released with Barbour Publishing in 2019. In 2023, I signed a contract with Bethany House Publishers for two historical mystery novels, (and I cannot wait to finish writing them so I can share them with you)! Joining the Christian fiction community has felt like a homecoming of sorts, the most joyful kind of experience. ​
I read across many genres. Fantasy. Young Adult. Historical. The classics. I'm especially fond of broody British literature, characters who lovingly vex one another, and the occasional murder plot, so long as the detective is witty or quirky enough to make me laugh along the way.
Beyond the screen, I'm a homebody at heart. I love reading to my children. I love cooking with my husband, who has spent more than fifteen years making me laugh as we move about the kitchen together. I dabble in photography. I drink a lot of tea, and I bake a LOT of scones. Sometimes I use said scone-baking to procrastinate when I should probably be editing instead. It's part of my "process."
I always love hearing from readers, so feel free to reach out if you have any bookish questions. I can't thank you enough for visiting and for taking the time to read!
Blessings to you in Christ,

Amazon Reviewer
“Shadow Among Sheaves is author Naomi Stephens’ debut Christian fiction novel, but reads like the work of someone seasoned in the genre.”
Amazon Reviewer
“Not since I read Jane Eyre as a teenager have I been so captivated with a book. The characters are genuine and compelling and Stephens’ writing is lyrical, often haunting in its beauty.”
Historical Fiction Reader
"...the novel has clear Christian themes, but I genuinely feel that Stephens’ gentle handling of the material, lyrical prose, and unique historical content grant the title appeal beyond its primary market.”